A script to bootstrap a minimal macOS development system. This does not assume you're doing Ruby/Rails/web development but installs the minimal set of software every macOS developer will want.
Installs the latest macOS software updates (for better security)
Installs dotfiles from a user's https://github.com/username/dotfiles repository. If they exist and are executable: runs script/setup to configure the dotfiles and script/strap-after-setup after setting up everything else.
Installs software from a user's Brewfile in their https://github.com/username/homebrew-brewfile repository or .Brewfile in their home directory.
A simple web application to set Git's name, email and GitHub token (needs authorised on any organisations you wish to access)
Out of Scope Features
Enabling any network services by default (instead enable them when needed)
Installing Homebrew formulae by default for everyone in an organisation (install them with Brewfiles in project repositories instead of mandating formulae for the whole organisation)
Opting-out of any macOS updates (Apple's security updates and macOS updates are there for a reason)
Disabling security features (these are a minimal set of best practises)
Add phone number to security screen message (want to avoid prompting users for information on installation)